Yesterday, I gave a presentation to the PLUG North chapter of the Philadelphia Linux Users Group, delving into some of the cooler features of the Z shell. I slandered other shells outrageously, but, disappointingly, failed to start a religious war.
The entire presentation was given from the command line using GNU screen and tpp (a text-mode presentation program).
- zsh-2009.pdf: A quick conversion of the presentation to PDF by way of LaTeX
- zsh-2009.tpp: tpp source for the presentation
- zsh-2009-demo.txt: Notes to myself containing possibly interesting examples to put zsh through its paces
I’ll be posting my .zshrc as well, once I get around to sanitizing it.
If you’re in the Philadelphia area and didn’t make it to the talk, you have another chance: I’ll be giving a newly-enhanced version in February at the newly-formed PLUG East chapter. Check the PLUG meetings page for schedule and location information.
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